Sunday, August 10

...Walked the Plank

Aye...we went to a swashbuckling good birthday party yesterday. Captain Ceci and the rest of me hearties even dressed up for the occasion. Because she had the cool black hat, according to her we were just "mateys." Nothing like being demoted by a four year old pirate.

Blimey...look out! It's Cap'n Ceci!

Poor matey, he's been run through. Now he's shark bait.

The wee one even got his first tattoos. One on each arm, Popeye style.


Anonymous said...

Cute Pictures! Love Finnie's tattoos. Each day we look forward to a new entry on your blog! We love you all soooo much!
nana and papa

j said...

That picture of CJ is really good! She looks sooo grown up! Goodness!!!!

I love you guys

TraceFace said...

Ceci, you look awesome! Finn, you look super tough! Looks like fun was had by all, especially Dad.