Saturday, August 9

...Raced a Lawn Mower

My brilliant husband, and our equally brilliant neighbor Andy, decided to race their lawn mowers a couple of nights ago. That's all I have to say about that.


Anonymous said...

You should have given a WARNING to Grandmas...not sure about our grandbabies riding in the "race". BE CAREFUL!!!

Jennifer Lee said...

I loved the perfect, kind of hill-billy, music AND Cici's high-five at the end. Another awesome video.

j said...

Wow... hahaha

Anonymous said...

Wow! It didn't look like Ceci was sitting very securely on the mower....I am sure you weren't taught that as a child Wade....
Wade's mom and Ceci's nana

j said...

LoL at the Grandmas worried about CJ! This looks fun, but she wasn't wearing a seat belt! hehe