Wednesday, August 27

...Graduated High School 12 Years Ago

My niece was born on August 27 of 1996. I had been at KU for like, maybe a week when I got the call from my mother telling me Lauren had arrived. I can still remember driving from Lawrence to Leavenworth to see her in the hospital. She was a beautiful baby.

I cannot help but associate her birth with my entry into college. With every birthday celebration she has, I am reminded of how long I have been out of high school. Normally I am like, "Holy crap! I graduated high school eleven years ago?!" This year was different. This year I said, "Oh. My. God. Lauren is 12 (going on 18) and has become a beautiful young lady over night." She will definitely be giving my brother a run for his money, that is for certain.

Happy Birthday Lauren. We hope you have a most wonderful day.

Aunt Megan & Uncle Wade

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lauren is a beautiful young lady for sure! Those 12 years have gone soooo fast. I can't believe she is in 7th grade and plays volleyball just like Aunt Megan did.
Twelve years ago, I remember Steve calling me at school saying "It's a girl" and Grandpa and I went to see her at the hospital that evening. Becoming a grandparent is so wonderful! Happy Birthday Lauren!! Grandma Debbie