Tuesday, August 19

...Built a Momtourage

Have you ever yearned to be apart of the book club or Bunko group you hear other people talking about? I do. Some of these groups are even challenging to join! One of my co worker's Bunko group actually has a waiting list. Seriously.

Everyone knows these groups were created so one has a good excuse to get together with like minded women and just talk. It is amazing how good you feel after talking with other women. I miss this type of mindless release - reminds me of college when my roommates and I would sit around and just talk for hours. Now when I have a random spare moment to chat with a good friend I notice awkward pauses that were not there before. Did we talk so much in college that we do not have anything left to talk about, or maybe I have become boring?... Na! I am just out of practice! That HAS to be it. I blame my problem on sitting at work on the computer emailing all day, then going home to two young children and a husband. Do not get me wrong I love my family dearly, but we all know the type of conversations a women usually has with her family is totally different. It is often one sided. My husband would call this type of conversation "nagging." There are also the funny conversations, which are nice, but they do not make any sense... except for in a four year old's mind. An example from today:
"Sister and I went fishing today and then a leg came out of the TV and I was like, Actually, I don't think so." Cecilia's response to "What did you do today?" Wade's grandfather would call this type of conversation "Dutchy."

So in an effort to curb my "nagging" and therefore increase the positive vibes in my life I have decided to build my own group - a Momtourage to be exact! I got the idea from this great blog written by the writers at Parents magazine - GoodyBlog.

Here were some of their start up suggestions:

  1. First, identify a common thread. Hmmm, okay - Motherhood?... or an obsession with People magazine or yummy coffee maybe?
  2. Carve out a space in your home. Uh, small house, but doable. Would make more space by sending the children and husband to another location.
  3. Establish a schedule and take turns hosting. Easy enough, right?
  4. Connect. Making certain the time together allows for the most important thing - adult conversation!...oh, and do not forget the yummy coffee. Okay, who am I kidding? It would probably be beer or wine.
  5. Stick with it. Remind each other that we are better women, moms, wives, and daughters because we are connecting with other women. No need for guilt!

So, what do you think? Interested in joining a Momtourage? I am tentatively thinking of having the inaugural event at my place on Saturday, September 13. Nothing grand. Just good snacks, good spirits and good conversations. Send me an email, call me or post a comment if you are game.

**UPDATE** Non moms. soon to be moms, women in general are welcome! I just really liked the name Momtourage, but now I am worried about what it implies! Sorry to confuse. The childless however should beware of a series of labor stories as well as multiple comments on the gross things that come out of children's bodies.


Jennifer Lee said...

Oh, I see how you roll. Just exclude the childless. Nice. If I pretend to have a small family can I come?

Anonymous said...

Childless should not be excluded...
I'd love to be part of this.

Meg said...

Uh, yeah! Those working on becoming a mom are welcome as well! We just don’t want to bore chicks who re not interested in having kiddos with stories about our labor and the consistancy of differnet poopy diapers. Because let's face it...these topics are gonna be on the table at some point.
So if you’re into hearing about severe pain as well as the look, feel and smell of poop you are more than welcome to join the fore mentioned Momtourage! Seriously, it’s really about women getting together. I NEED to talk. I’m having serious withdraws.

Anonymous said...

Hon, I'm so there. I'll bring wine. I have labor/delivery stories. I have sick kid stories. I have two-year-old banshee stories. I can fit in!! I promise!!

You give me the where and when, and I'll send Rowan to Grandmas and come over (most assuredly getting lost at least twice on my way).

YAY for you and your wonderful mind.

Amanda, aka cousin-in-law

Anonymous said...

I think that the common thread should be booze. Mommy's needs a drink! I think that your idea is awesome. I find it a challenge to talk to my childless friends about something other than work/kids, but I get tired of talking to my friends with kids about kids.

Anonymous said...

As long as no one minds if I accidentally call them "bubby" or "punkin" and break into a silly song in the middle of conversation, count me in. Adult convos are definitely a challenge for me these days... it's like the three-syllable words are still rattling around up there somewhere, but they're too dusty to be readily accessed. Let me assure you though, I always come up with an array of brilliant things I wish I'd said at 3 a.m. that morning. :) anj

Karen said...

You don't know how badly I have needed some "alone" time and Momtourage time will be even better! Love your idea. Count me in. You must have been reading my mind. -Karen

Tenille said...

L-o-v-e it! Count me in. I'm always up for some adult conversation, and beverages!

TraceFace said...

Bring it.