Sunday, June 15

...Caught 20 Fish

We went fishing today at Papa James' pond. Daddy says I am an excellent fisherman. My mommy says it's in my blood. I am not sure about fish being in my blood, but I really did catch 20 fish today. Papa James says they are called Bluegill, but I didn't see any blue on them, or IN them for that matter. I watched as Kristan cut them all up. Everyone kept saying "clean the fish." It was disgusting and I didn't see anything "clean" about it. After she cut them up, Kristan fried them and we ate them. Bluegill are yummy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow...20 fish! Yum! I remember fishing with my dad...I caught all of the fish because he was busy putting the worms on my hook. (I wouldn't touch the worms or the fish!) What a terrific way to celebrate Father's Day with three generations!
Nana Debbie