Wednesday, October 22

...Wigged Out In Houston

I have been MIA from the blog world these past few weeks. I was in Houston for my company's annual convention from 10/13 to 10/18. I am so glad it is over as it is such an exhausting week. Nothing like working 75 hours in six days. This is a shot of a few of us in the hotel bar on the last night. Our past CEO, Linda Hollemon [pink wig] joined "us" to reminisce. It was a great way to end the week.
Why the wigs?...yeah, I am still not sure. The theme to our Friday night celebration was CREW Network Odyssey 2008: Blasting into the New Frontier. Such an original idea, right?...I am sure no other convention in Houston has ever used a space theme...[ahem]. Anyway, our meeting planners thought it would be fun if the entire staff wore these crazy wigs. As it turns out, none of the meeting planners wore theirs. Man, the rest of us are a bunch of suckers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where is your wig? I think you made the right choice to go wigless.