Tuesday, October 28

...Moved to the Top Bunk

Today my daughter turned 5 years old. Most mothers freak when one of their young reaches this momentous age. I did not. Seriously, and it is all because Cecilia came into this world exactly 58 days after the cut off for starting school. Wade and I get to enjoy an additional year of toddler hood and Cecilia gets another year of learning and socialization under her belt. Fall kids rule. I am a bit biased being an October baby myself.

Cecilia enjoyed her 5th Birthday immensely. Her morning began with surprise decorations from the Birthday Fairy - who went Green this year by using old newspapers to make the streamers and Ceci's birthday crown. This Eco-friendly Fairly even blew up the bags our newspapers come in to create a fun place setting for Cecilia's birthday brownie. For those of you who do not know, the Birthday Fairy comes during the night before ones birthday morning and decorates to celebrate your day. This Fairy has visited our house ever since Ceci's first birthday.

Cecilia continued her birthday festivities with treats, singing and dancing at Ms. Rita's Daycare - a place that is always hoppin'. We wrapped up the evening with a small family celebration that included tons-o-pink presents, yummy cake and home made ice cream. D-Lish.

The grand finale is her sleeping locale tonight. When her daddy and I bought her the bunk bed she was told that she could not sleep on the top until she was 5. Man, she held us to that promise...almost exactly to the minute. She was born at 8:43 pm five years ago today.


Debbie said...

HAPPY 5TH BIRTHDAY CECI! Take lots of pictures with your new camera, then have mommy email them or set up a Picasa web album. Love your birthday decorations! Wow, you're a big girl now that you can sleep on the TOP bunk! Love you, Papa and Nana

P.S. I had to work tonight... sorry I couldn't call you to wish you a Happy Birthday. :(

TraceFace said...

I cannot believe Ceci is 5! Happy birthday, girl! It looks like you had a great time! Enjoy that top bunk. :)

Tenille said...

I can't believe our girls are getting so big!! Hope you all had a great day! And Happy Birthday Ceci!