Monday, September 29

...Chopped Some Hair

Our good friend Jess cut a ton of hair off Finn's noggin last night. It was definitely time for his first big boy haircut. I would have loved to let it grow out into that trendy surfer style that is popular right now, but his hair was curling under in the back - giving him that 70s bowel look. Wade wasn't having it. The current cut is a bit shorter in the back than Jess and I had planned, [due the equipment available on hand] but this will keep us from having to cut it again so soon. This dude's hair grows like crazy.

To keep him occupied we set him on the bathroom vanity and gave him a Popsicle. This idea was genius for the most part. He sat really still and sucked and sucked on this rare yummy treat, but then it got hair on it...and he kept sucking on it. [shuddering] I think I gagged a couple of times as I pulled the gooey orange flavored hair out of his mouth.


Anonymous said...

OMG, he looks so grown up with that haircut.

By the way, you really need to get control of your gag reflex.

Loveya, Mom

Debbie said...

He looks older with shorter hair. I agree with you...I couldn't stand watching him eat a "hairy popsicle"!
mom h

TraceFace said...

What a nice looking haircut, Finn! Send some of that hair our way! I think Ben will be 2 before he needs his first haircut!