Tuesday, April 8

...Witnessed Mario's Miracle

I think I said, "OH. MY. GOD!" like a billions times last night....like I am sure you did, dear reader. That was THE BEST basketball game EVER. Cecilia was a trooper and stayed up for the entire game and a bit of the post game news coverage. She was a great co-cheerer and I was glad to have her support because Wade was a mess and a Negative-Nelly [yes, that is a meganism]. He had an extremely upset [aka nervous] stomach before the game that he TRIED to blame on my meatloaf [okay, it was actually Stouffer's meatloaf but who is keeping track?] So it was up to Ceci and I to keep the positive vibe going in the Cottrell House. Here is a photo of her right after the game. I apologize for the quality, as it was taken with my phone.

Here is a shot of Finnie this morning after I told him about last nights amazing victory [as HE was a trooper and went to bed on time so Mommy could watch the game] . As you can see, he went into baby shock...

Wade is positive the Jayhawk's success in 2008 combined with the first year of his son's life is "a sign" that Finn is sure to one day play a sport in a Jayhawk jersey [whether it be football or basketball he cares not]. I am pretty sure my father would agree with Wade...I can remember the two of them having a conversation at the hospital the day after Finnie was born, "You know what would be so cool?" says my father to Wade, "What if Finnegan plays basketball for KU?!" They then commenced exuding extreme giddiness and glowing pride as if Finn had already accomplished this feet.
I love how we pass down our fanaticalness [another meganism]. Reminds me of that cool bumper sticker, "Kansan by birth, Jayhawk by the grace of God." So I guess the "grace of God" part could really mean "by the brainwashing of my parents." Either way, I am good with it. There was definitely some Divine intervention dealt out last night. Mario is a GOD.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We said the same thing of Owen... Wouldn't it be great if he played KU Bball or football (then we'd for sure have great tickets)... We've even practiced announcing his name a number of times -- all because he was born during a great season of KU Ball!! Go Hawks!!