Monday, March 31

...Helped Raise Awareness

Today, several of us in my office helped sweet little Sofia Miller celebrate the first annual Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness Day by donating our blood and sporting turquoise shirts and ribbons! CDH is a rare and potentially life-threatening birth defect. Ms. Sofia's stomach, intestines, spleen, and part of her liver had herniated and were in her chest cavity. She endured a successful three hour repair surgery last Thursday - a major accomplishment! Go Super Sofie!

If you have not already visited Sofia's blog, DO IT! She has an amazing story that touched many hearts... and she is only 3 weeks old! Wade and I know her mommy and daddy, Kenny and Jennifer Miller. They have done an amazing job documenting their experience. Their strength is humbling.

Special thanks to my co-workers who jumped at the chance to donate blood and/or show their support by wearing turquoise in honor of little Sofia. None of them even know the Millers, but that did not stop them from helping support this family’s special cause. You guys are wicked nice! I would like to give a shout out to my "CREW": Karen Watson, Jenny Weissenbach, Barbara Ballentine, Nancy Chance, Elisabeth Sheridan, Jennifer Hsu, Erin Gingrich-Gaylord and Janice Hartsock.

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