Thursday, November 5

...Listened to Nana Debbie

You ask and you shall receive mamasita! I have created an album of Cecilia's scanned school work, grade cards, etc. I plan to make an album for each year of school! Her progress will be posted online for all to see! Soon Finnie can join in on the fun! Check out the link below:

Cecilia's 2009 - 2010 School Work [Kindergarten]


Anonymous said...

YEA! We get to see Ceci's schoolwork too! Keep up the good work,Ceci! Love you , Nana D and Papa T

Karen Watson said...

I just love this idea and I'm going to steal it for my Kindergartner. Good job on the family portrait Ceci! You write your numbers well too. Excellent!

Tenille said...

I aspire to be you...but I don't see myself doing this for the kids. I do have folders for their work, and I love the idea!! Lilly wanted me to scan her pictures and she brought them to our printer to scan (which isn't a scanner by the way).