Monday, October 26

...Raised a Smart Cookie

Thought I'd share some of Cecilia's recent stuff. Man, I do not remember bringing home this much paper when I was in Kindergarten. Our mixed paper recycling box is overflowing with the stuff. (easy Grandma's...I do keep some of it!) Cecilia busted me once and totally reamed me for throwing away her work.


Anonymous said...

Good for Ceci! (I know you do have to be "selective" though or "school work" will take over your house!) Here's an idea I read somewhere...take a digital photo of her school work/artwork and save it on an SD card, CD, or in the computer.
Love, Nana D

Anonymous said...

I totally love artwork. Harlan brings home at least 3-4 papers every single day. That is a great idea in the first comment from "Nana D". Thanks for the idea. -Karen