Friday, November 21

...Reunited the CIA

Cecilia was the seventh and final baby born at Lawrence Memorial Hospital (LMH) on Tuesday, October 28, 2003. Her pal, Isaac Riffel was the first. Twenty eight hours after her birth, Ceci's buddy Anna Twedt was born. They are all truly friends since birth....well almost.

Wade and I met Dan and Becky Twedt while attending our 6 week prenatal class at LMH. They took notice of us, well... because everyone in our class did. Who could ignore Wade and his wild personality and crazy questions? The Twedt's ended up in another of our classes at the hospital and so we sat together and ended up exchanging email address that night.

I still remember Dan walking into our hospital room the day after Cecilia was born. He popped in to say they were in labor in a near by room. It was so ironic and I kept saying, "I cannot believe they are here too!"

About two weeks later I decided to attend a breastfeeding (BF) support group at LMH. I was extremely nervous, especially about nursing in public. Looking back I just laugh. Why on earth was I nervous to whip out my girls in a room full of chicks doing the very same thing? It seemed like everyone in the room had known each other for a very long time and they were all pros at BFing. I remember feeling a bit embarrassed about having to wear a nipple shield. Cecilia destroyed my nipples with her bad "latch" technique the first few days of nursing. I was to wear this shield until I healed, but I was so afraid of her "latch" that I ending up wearing that thing for four months! What a pain in the butt that thing was. Okay, I am off track here. Where was I?

Ah, yes. The support group. Well, since no one in the room would talk to me I decided to strike up a conversation with the coolest looking chick in the joint. She was about my age, had tattoos and this was the kicker - she was having latch issues with her munchkin too! Ah, someone who knew my pain. Literally. This hip chick [aka Anj Riffel] and I hit it off and ended up hanging together at the weekly BF support group.

Soon later Anj, Becky and I started getting together. We were new moms, we all BF'd our kids, and well, our kids were all born within 48 hours of each other. Too cool, eh? I think it was Anj who came up with our play date group name The CIA - Cecilia, Isaac and Anna. It has to be the coolest play date name ever. I love putting it into my staff calendar at work. "Tuesday, May 4 - CIA Lunch" My coworkers think I am nuts.

And here they are... 5 years older and a sibling each later...The CIA.
[Also pictured "The VFO" established in 2007. Sorry Vivi, Finn and Owen. I Googled this and got Variable Frequency Oscillator (VFO). Pretty lame when compared to the CIA.]


TraceFace said...

Aw, how cute is that?! We didn't have such cool people in our childbirth prep class! The kids looks super cute. :)

Debbie said...

Cute pictures! I think it's cool that you all have a boy and a girl by now! Instead of VFO, how about VOF? Here's a few of the acronyms listed for VOF... I think the "Voice of Friendship" is perfect!

Acronym Definition
VOF Volume of Fluid
VOF Vennootschap Onder Firma (Dutch)
VOF Voice of Freedom
VOF Voice of the Faithful
VOF Observation Fighter Squadron (Navy unit designation used from 1942 to 1945)
VOF Variable Operating Frequency
VOF Voice of Friendship (New Zealand)
VOF Voluntary Organisations Forum (UK)
VOF Vehicle Operations - Program F
VOF Video Output Formatter

Nana Debbie

Anonymous said...

Too cute...

Unknown said...

Best thing we did was to join that prenatal class! So glad that we're all still together!