Monday, September 29

...Chopped Some Hair

Our good friend Jess cut a ton of hair off Finn's noggin last night. It was definitely time for his first big boy haircut. I would have loved to let it grow out into that trendy surfer style that is popular right now, but his hair was curling under in the back - giving him that 70s bowel look. Wade wasn't having it. The current cut is a bit shorter in the back than Jess and I had planned, [due the equipment available on hand] but this will keep us from having to cut it again so soon. This dude's hair grows like crazy.

To keep him occupied we set him on the bathroom vanity and gave him a Popsicle. This idea was genius for the most part. He sat really still and sucked and sucked on this rare yummy treat, but then it got hair on it...and he kept sucking on it. [shuddering] I think I gagged a couple of times as I pulled the gooey orange flavored hair out of his mouth.

Friday, September 26

...Posted a Video for T$

It is my distinct pleasure to post photos and a video of the beautiful new family, Amandrewcus.

Thursday, September 25

...Welcomed Luke To The World

My very best friends, Amandrew had their baby boy at 5:05 pm this evening. This little cutie's name is Lucas James Steinbacher and I can hardly wait to I shower him with smooches tomorrow. He weighed in a little over 7 pounds and was 20 inches long. No wonder his mommy's ribs were getting pounded!

This little monkey's arrival is a long time more ways than one. I think I will open a bottle of wine and drink to him & his mommy and daddy. You have done good Amandrew, very good. Here's to you Luke baby. Welcome to Earth.

[T$ - I will post a video of the squirt tomorrow night! Enjoy DC!]

Tuesday, September 23

...Glimpsed the Future

I got a Blackberry yesterday and now know first hand why they are affectionately called "Crackberry's." Could this thing be more addictive? Every time I turn it on I find something new to love about it. My current favorites are the Voice Dialing and Send Voice Note features. My old Razor had voice dialing, but you had to program it in by recording your voice for each person in your phone. Uh, who has time to do that? I think my brother-in-law Wesley was the only person to obtain voice dial programing status on the ol' Razor. My wonderfully cute Blackberry [Hey, I think I shall name her, hum, nothing comes to mind just yet...], anyway this phone AUTOMATICALLY knows how the names in my phone sound. I just select the little icon on my screen and say, "Call Wade" and a woman's voice replies, "Which number?" Then I say "Mobile" and voila - it calls his cellphone. A great feature when you are already doing five other things like: holding a 25lb 16 month old while combing peanut butter out of a 4 year old's hair as you try to locate the Disney channel on TV before Hinkley Town Heroes ends while moving your coffee cup before aforementioned 16 month old spills it on the toaster you just put bread into. [whew]

The other fabulous feature is like a mini recorder that I can record my random thoughts into. This feature will hopefully replace writing notes on my left hand. The totally cool thing about this feature is I can immediately email the recorded message! I envision using this handy tool kind of like Ross did in that one episode of Friends, you know the one where he leaves himself a message on his answering machine? It will go something like this - I am driving to work after dropping the kiddos off at daycare. Our fabulous childcare provider, Rita, has just informed me that Finn will need diapers the next day. I could type myself a Task, but that would require typing and driving, which I suck at. So, I'll just select the little Voice Note icon and record a note and then email it to myself. When I get to work I will see it in my INBOX, remember and either Task myself or make a sticky note on my purse. I know what you might be thinking, "You are really going to forget in the time it takes to go from Rita's to work?" Uh, yes. I will. Which is why I usually write on my left hand. With the use of this fabulous phone I will no longer look like a chick who used to be in jail and did homemade prison tats on her hands.

When I picked up Cecilia on Monday I showed her my new phone and she immediately asked if she could have my old one. I was like, sure you can play with it for a bit. No harm, right? Well, she ended up "talking" on it all the way home and for another hour while I cooked dinner. I ended up taking it away and telling her she had talked on the phone enough for the night. When we got home this evening it was the first thing she asked for when we walked in the door. "Where's my phone?" has replaced "Mom, can I have a snack?" This is big. Phone over food. We are in for it.

Tuesday, September 16

...Ate Cookie Cake After Eight Years

Photo by Cecilia / Massive crop job by Mommy

Happy Anniversary Wadie Babe. I love you like I love cookie cake.

Saturday, September 13

...Shared Experiences

The inaugural Momtourage was a success. I would like to thank the following moms who ventured out to my "rural" location: Tracy, Jenny, Tenille, Anj, Becky and Karen. The next date will be set soon; this was just too fun to not repeat! Well, I am of to finish my bottle of Pinot Noir...I get to sleep in tomorrow. It will be blissful.

Thursday, September 11

...Traveled Home

I travel this road twice a day on my way to and from Lawrence. Lately its' sign has been adorned with sunflowers and for the past week I have said, "That would make a neat photo."

Today I took the time to slow down, stop and take it. It is not an amazing shot, but I am proud of myself for doing something I wanted to do... something out of the ordinary, outside of my normal routine. If you know me well, you know this is something I sort of have a hard time doing. [understatement of the year, huh?]

Wednesday, September 10

...Sent Birthday Wishes to Chi Town

I hope you have a very happy birthday Uncle Jacob.
Love, CECI (& FINNIE too, but mainly me)

Monday, September 1