Monday, August 17

...Never Looked Back

After battling Strep throat and missing her first day of Kindergarten last Friday, Cecilia finally experienced first day school excitement this morning. She woke up via her new alarm clock at 6:15 am, got dressed by herself and brushed her teeth. She wasn't happy about her hair so she had me flat iron it. This was new. She's NEVER cared about her hair before. I am taking this as a good sign. I have been dying to doll up her hair with bows and such ever since she grew it! Maybe now I'll get my chance. After she was all ready, we had the classic first day of school photo session. Here are the results:

Wade, Finn and I drove her to school. Our plan was to walk and make a video on the way, but it was raining. Blast! We circled around the school with the other car riders and stopped at the side door. The van in front of us brought two of Cecilia's good friends to school: Reichen and Paige. As soon as Ceci saw them she was off, and never looked back.

It was a bitter sweet moment for us all, especially Finnie. He watched her go into the school and began whining for her, "My Ceci. My Ceci!" Then his lower lip came out. The pouty lip combined with sad little sniffles did Wade and I in. We teared up as it was probably the most pitiful thing we've seen him do. As soon as we got him inside the house "His Ceci" was quickly replaced by his boots and baseball shoes - his current favorite items: